If you use Microsoft Windows or an Apple Macintosh, you can use EZWebPublisher.com.
The site builder you are using is compatible with any of these browsers:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer
- Netscape Navigator
- Opera
- Any JavaScript Compatible Browser
If you are running Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 or newer for Windows, you can
also use a special easy-to-use editor that works like a word processor. If you
aren’t using Microsoft Windows, you can still access every other feature
of EZWebPublisher.com.
If your system is running Internet Explorer 5.0 or higher, you will also have access to our basic editor, which is similar to text editor.
Compatibility Statistics
Our technology works with over 97% of computers that access the Internet and virtually
100% of the computers that an average user would have. Anybody that uses Microsoft
Windows or an Apple Macintosh can use EZWebPublisher.com.
100% of the users on the Internet can access websites created by this advanced software
regardless of whether they use Microsoft Windows or an Apple Macintosh.